segunda-feira, 19 de setembro de 2011

One day...

... I’ll be studying abroad. ... I’ll be doing a Master Degree In Intercultural Communication. ... I’ll be living by myself, paying a rent, buying food, going to work... ... I’ll start all over again, I will meet new people, probably make new friends and discover a new city... ... I’ll miss so much my home, my family and friends! One day I'll look back and say that everything worth it. Today is the day!

quarta-feira, 14 de setembro de 2011

Cambridge. August the 14th. 3 weeks. When you have everything to feel great, it doesn’t mean you are! However, it also doesn’t mean you are not going to feel better afterwards. Being in this Harry Potter style University City, full of bikes, tourists, alongside a river, and invaded by multiculturalism is, so far, crazy! Crazy, hard and scary… but also a challenge and a dream came true! But if being out of our comfort zone is quite frightful… feeling stronger, wiser, open minded and fulfilled are also goals I want to achieve in the next few months. And besides initial panic, loneliness, cultural shock and weather adaptation, it worth it! And I will find my comfy place here for a while! It's time to catch the flower!

quarta-feira, 7 de setembro de 2011